About MoveLibrary

Who I am and what the site is about.

MoveLibrary has a relatively narrow goal: To help you make your chess better.

It comes from an experience that I had when trying to get back into competitive chess in my middle age. I found that while there were fantastic tools available for chess improvement, there wasn’t a lot of information out there that helped me to maximize their impact. I figured out a number of effective techniques and refined them, and they helped me to become the oldest American player to claim the National Master title since the outset of the pandemic. MoveLibrary continues the refinement of these and other chess improvement techniques and shows you how to use them yourself.

The site provides a guide that walks through my story of chess improvement as well as the reasoning behind the techniques that I relied upon. It also provides links to tools and resources you can use as well as videos showing how to use them. It has my personal blog that focuses largely on these same concepts of chess improvement.

Please let me know if there is anything I can provide that will help you to make your chess better!

NM Matt Gross

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